
GeoHub's 2024 Summer Workshop Commences: WMO Emphasizes Urgent Need for Global Early Warning Systems

July 22, 2024

Our regular summer workshop on the promotion of the application of geospatial technologies and remote sensing in various environmental domains commences this week at CEU. 2024’s course on “Geospatial Technologies for Monitoring SDGs – Early Warnings for All” kicked off on July 22 in Budapest, bringing together a diverse group of participants.

Training conducted on essential steps to becoming a GIS professional in Central Asia

May 13, 2024

A geographic information system (GIS) is a universal tool that is used across a wide range of disciplines. Urban planners, environmental scientistics, astronomers, crime and law enforcement professionals, epidemiologists, political consultants, and game designers all rely on it.

Successful PhD defense at Syslab

March 25, 2024
Congratulations to Ivana Vuco on the successful defense of her PhD dissertation that examined the challenges and opportunities for ethical decision-making by the international humanitarian system and associated aid organizations in global natural and human-made disasters. The defense was awarded summa cum laude.

Syslab hosts a meeting to foster Geohub collaboration with AUCA

March 2, 2024

Last week, the Environmental Systems Laboratory (Syslab) at the Central European University (CEU) hosted a number of meetings dedicated to the exchange of project ideas between the students from the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) and the OSUN’s Network Collaborative course Introduction to Geospatial Analysis (IGA).

OSUN's GeoHub at ESPI Event on the Strategic Value of Earth Observation

February 13, 2024

Faculty and students from the  GeoHub- organized OSUN's Network Collaborative Course (NCC) "Introduction to Geospatial Data Analysis" recently attended a noticeable side event of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).