Syslab launches the GEOHub: OSUN Research and Training Hub on Geospatial Technologies

November 10, 2021
First Light from Landsat 9

The Systems Laboratory is pleased to announce the launch of the OSUN GeoHub project in partnership with Central European University (CEU), American University of Central Asia (AUCA), and Bard College. GeoHub project aims to develop the capacity of the Open Society University Network (OSUN) members on using the latest geospatial methods and technologies, in the core research and teaching disciplines of member institutions.

The project has several components, including reinforcement of the OSUN network by offering to its members online and onsite geospatial courses, organization of train-the-trainers workshops, and joint professional training programs with certificates in applied geospatial technologies. Organizing internships for OSUN students with external geo-focused partners is another component of the project.

GeoHub project relies on using the existing facilities, resources, and networks of the Systems Laboratory of the Environmental Science and Policy Department at CEU. Furthermore, the project activities are coordinated in collaboration with the relevant UN agencies, international organizations, global IT leaders, and other stakeholders active in the development and practical application of geospatial tools and methods.

The inception event of the GeoHub project will be the RUS Remote Training for Disaster Management: Assessment of Floods and Burned Areas, co-organized by UN-SPIDER, European Space Agency (ESA), CEU, and Copernicus RUS on November 18-19, 2021. Find out more here!


Stay tuned and follow us for information on the upcoming workshops, trainings, and common events!

